Average Annual Whole Home Savings

See how much you can save with natural gas appliances versus an all electric or propane home (3500 square feet)**

Natural Gas
vs. Electric
$1,854* in savings
by appliance
Home Heating $1,603
Water Heating $212
Dryer & Range $39
Natural Gas
vs. Propane
$899* in savings
by appliance
Home Heating $695
Water Heating $158
Dryer & Range $46

* New service connections can be eligible to receive the first 200 feet of 1 ¼-inch piping diameter or less service line at no charge. Additional terms and conditions may apply.

** Mixed-Use homes leverage Kansas Gas Service’s residential sales tariff and Evergy Central's residential electric rates. Electric homes leverage Evergy Central’s residential electric rates, and propane homes leverage EIA residential propane costs. Actuals bills were used to encompass all riders and surcharges. Savings are in reference to natural gas.